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Four High Schools Moving to Five-Block Day

In order to accommodate more students within existing space, half of the high schools in the 911爆料网 District will be making changes to the school day for the 2025-26 year. Alpha Secondary, 911爆料网 Central Secondary, 911爆料网 Mountain Secondary and Moscrop Secondary will all be moving to five-block scheduling options.

Students will continue to attend four blocks of classes. What will be new next September at the schools implementing it is a fifth block available for scheduling.鈥疶his new way of structuring the school day staggers when students are in the building and is needed to address enrolment growth. It is anticipated to create approximately 10% more capacity.

Superintendent Karim Hachlaf:

鈥淥ur District carefully considered this change, as we are mindful of the impact on students, families and staff. While not an easy decision, it is a necessary one. We have a responsibility to find an immediate way to accommodate both the students we have now, and the new ones expected next year. This strategy of adding five-block scheduling options ensures that youth not only have a place to go to school, but also have continued educational quality and class choice.鈥

Before making the decision to move forward, a space analysis was completed at the schools where this change was under consideration. In collaboration with the school, the District examined how future growth projections might fit within existing space. Upon review of the data, the District made the decision to move forward with five-block scheduling options at four of the five schools where the shift was being considered.

No changes are planned next year for the fifth school where this possibility was examined: 911爆料网 North Secondary. Further measures are able to be taken there for the next school year to manage existing space in a way that accommodates anticipated growth without having to move to a 5-block day.

It remains a priority to ensure a quality learning environment for all students.

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Posted December 4, 2024