Nearly 4200 students in the District participated in Summer Session 2020 this year. In line with provincial objectives, registration priority was given to children of essential service workers and students who may be vulnerable or in need of courses for graduation.
Early registration was held for essential service workers who had already reached out to take advantage of our district鈥檚 in-classroom support for their children prior to the June 1 Restart Plan. Additionally, a chance to register early was given to referral-based students who were identified by principals and teachers as someone who could particularly benefit from summer courses, resulting in approximately 700 students needing extra support attending Summer Session.
Due to COVID-19, strict health and safety protocols and reduced class sizes are also new this year, as per the latest health and safety guidelines and protocols from the Provincial Health Officer, Ministries of Health and Education, the BC Centre for Disease Control, the Fraser Health Authority, and WorkSafe BC.
Janice Nakatsu is the Director of Instruction responsible for Summer Session:
Our focus is on health and safety first. We also had the benefit for Summer Session of building on all of the careful planning and measures taken at our school sites during the expansion of in-class instruction in June. Most students were already familiar with modified in-class instruction involving a combination of online and in-person.鈥
Nakatsu says the response from students and families has been very positive 鈥 with teachers and staff finding creative ways to keep learning fun.
Learn more about the Summer Session 2020
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